Friday, June 20, 2008

{ Impression Obsession DT Challenge #4 and Blog Candy }

Our challenge was to use summer stamps. Today is first day of summer (June 20) and July 4th is just around the corner. I wanted to play with my new Stars and Calendar set. I made a little gift set with a card, gift bag and a pinwheel. I cut the stars out and colored them with Prismacolor pencils. For the pinwheel I stamped the background with stars and adhered it to another piece of patterned paper for contrast. The "celebrate" word came from Express Yourself set.
Check our what the other DT members crated: Tina, Laura, Julie, Deborah, and Kelli!

To win these stamps all you have to do is post a comment here and I will randomly draw a winner on Friday, June 27, at 8 pm CST. If you haven't checked out Impression Obsession stamps you really need to take a peek. Check out Summer rubber stamp supplement, Summer clear stamp supplement. I love these stars because they are versatile and can be used on variety of projects, not just July 4th celebration, and everyone needs to have a set of calendar stamps! One last thing...I have to share this photo with you. Alex got his Jumparoo today and he loves it. He figured out really quick how to jump in it. He was very entertaining. After all the photos and recordings were completed, his eyes got droopy and he fell asleep.
My friend is visiting from, if you don't hear from me I will try to catch up. Have a great weekend.

One more thing. My little card that I made for Hero Arts challenge won third place, you can see it here !!!! How exciting.


  1. What fun cards and stamps. Alex is such a little darling.

  2. FABULOUS set Daniela. Congrats on your Hero Arts win...YAAAYYY to YOU! Loved that pic of wee Alex too!

  3. awesome set girl the stamps are very cute.
    love the photo of you little boy he is so cute! Congrats on winning too:)

  4. What a FUN card. Those stars would really be FUN to play with. Alex is just the cutest. Congrats on 3rd place! Thanks for a chance.

  5. Wooohooo!! Congrats on your win! Hopefully I'll be lucky too :P
    Have a great weekend!!

  6. That stamp set is awesome......and your gift set you made is FAB!!!! Lots of inspiration!!


  8. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Love your gift set and the stamps you used.

  9. the cards are fabulous Danielle!!!! And Alex is precious, I remember those days well! Have fun!


  10. OMG! That stamp set absolutely ROCKS! Need to get my hands on those :) And the cards? Beatufiful!!!! The picture of your little one is too precious. You have a wonderful little family :)

  11. Super cute stamps! I love how you used them!!!

    Congrats on ANOTHER Hero Arts win! You are definitely rocking the flickr group!

  12. Congratulations, Daniela on the Hero Arts card. I love it, it's so colorful.

  13. WOW your Fourth of July cards and pinwheel are just too cute!!! So is that boy of yours. He jumped himself to sleep! How fun! Congrats too on winning with Hero Arts--I'll have to go check out your card!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Hi Daniela!
    Congratulations on your Hero Arts win! Can't wait to see your card!

    Thank you so much for offering a chance to win those fabulous stamps...they would be just perfect for my next stamp club swap!

    And little Alex is just precious...what a bundle of joy :)

  15. Fabulous cards...and those stamps are amazing! And your little cutie at the end is just that...a little cutie!

  16. Daniela, these all turned out so wonderful! I especially love the cute!

  17. the stuff you made...gorgeous!! AND congrats on getting 3rd are on fire right now :D

    Alex is sooo cute! Love the pic...TFS!

  18. Gorgeous cards and SWEET photo!!!

  19. Love your star projects! What a sweet boy you have! Enjoy every moment!

  20. Oh Daniela, CONGRATS on 3rd, i loooove that card!

    I have pictures JUST like those pics of Alex, my sleeping babes in the jumper :)

    He's PRECIOUS and getting sooo big!

    hugs & love!

  21. Anonymous11:53 AM

    This is fantastic Daniela! I love it all!! WOnderful!

  22. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I so need to win them, my dh's aunt's birthday is the 4th of July! How perfect would that be?

    Thanks for the chance!

  23. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Wow, he is so cute. I love all the cards & that stamp set too!

    Jenny Wrona

  24. Anonymous11:59 AM


    Love everything, especially Alex sleeping! I would be too after all that hard work jumping.

    Carol Grant

  25. Your projects are super cute (as always!) and I adore that photo! I have several of Drew that are nearly identical!

  26. What a cutie he wore himself out playing!! Great set - I love all the new summer designs I've been seeing!

  27. Wow, I love that gift set you made, Daniela - so adorable! And what a sweet photo of alex! Brings back memories for me, both my kids loved that thing!!

  28. Awesome patriotic cards!! And the pinwheel is so cute! Thanks for playing :)

  29. amazing creations!! Congrats!

  30. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Hello Daniela,

    I am a member of Circle of Crafters website, where Deborah asked us to look at some cards she had made on her blog. She also suggested that we look at the other entries in the challenge, so here I am! Your gift set is really cute...I love the idea of the pinwheel! Thanks so much for sharing your creations for all to see! Marie

  31. cute stamps... i love what you did. that pinwheel is my favorite. great job.

  32. Thanks for the RAK. Cool stamps! What a sleeping cutie you have there! Congrats on the Hero Arts win,too.

  33. Kiddies just love those jumperoos don't they- My daughter could have lived in her!!

    These stamps are great!!

  34. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Um-WOW!My jaw seriously hit the floor when I saw your creations. You are so talented:) And Alex has grown so much! What a doll. Congrats on winning 3rd in the Hero Arts contest-your card is awesome!

  35. Oh WOW...Great stamps and I Adore your pinwheel!!!

  36. Oh my goodness!!! I adore those stars. I am a huge fan of red - white & blue and send 4th of July cards every year. I'm always looking for fresh inspiration and lookie here!!! Awww and your little man is soooo sweet. Look at that sweet little mouth! And Congrats on the Hero Arts challenge too.

  37. WOW!! Daniela, you're on FIRE with your incredible creations girl! I LOVE these!!
    What a DEAR little one your Alex is! Oh my..I love that pic!
    AND girl..congrats on your 3rd place're amazing!!
    Hope you're doing well!

  38. WOW!! I love your 4th of July set! It is amazing, but so is everything you make!! ALex is soo adorable!! God Bless! Also, Congrats on your third place win {should have been 1st, wink} Hugs, Melissa

  39. What gorgeous creations! And Alex is too cute!

  40. Love how you stamped on the pinwheel. So quick and easy! I will have to make some for my kids!

  41. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Great cards and love the stamp sets!!

  42. Alex is such a sweetheart! Reminds me of my little buddy next door-they look to be close in snuggly & sweet!

    Love IMPRESSION OBSESSION. My gf's and I went ga ga over them long ago...Leigh H (awesome)...looks like the stars are her creative genious!

    Congrats on Hero Arts! TFS all this fabulous stuff with us!

  43. saw your post on EIO. I would love to be entered for this blog candy

  44. Congrats on Hero Arts and love the picture. Thanks for the chance.
    Cindy F

  45. Note to Glee: Check Daniela's blog more often because you are missing out on some fabulous work and darling photos of Alex!

    Your cards just never cease to amaze me, my Friend. I have run out of words to express how my mouth just opens and my eyes just take in all the beauty when I come to visit. Boy, you are so good!

    AWWWWW, that photo of your sleeping Alex is the most precious one of all. It makes you wonder what he is dreaming about; sometimes I think I see many angel wings surrounding him with love and protection. I love that you share your little boy with me, Daniela. He is beautiful!

  46. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Those cards are gorgeous! I love the red, white and blues! Cute stamps too!

    I can't believe how big Alex is getting! He is such a cutie!

  47. Very nice you've made with these great stamps. Thanks for a chance to win!
    Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  48. That pinwheel is adorable, what a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  49. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Those stamps are great!! And, I am LOVING the pinwheel!! Thanks for the great ideas!

    Kerry Morgan

  50. Love these stamps and I would love to win.

  51. What a great summer gift set. Those images are awesome and like you said so versatile. I love the picture of Alex, how sweet! Thanks for the chance at the candy as well!!

  52. Gorgeous projects Daniela ~ I love it all! Congrats on your Hero Arts win too ~ you rock girl! Hope you're enjoying your girlfriend's visit!
    Hi Alex :)

  53. Oh what beautiful projects!!!

  54. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Your creations are soo beautiful Daniela...and little Alex is growing up soo fast...bless:)
    and `Congrat` to you on 3rd place at Hero Arts...Well worthy winner I say....
    Have a lovely time with your friend:)x

  55. Alex is adorable and that photo is priceless! Love your cards and reading your blog! Thanks for the chance to win the stamp sets!

  56. Wonderful cards..the patterns on the stars is so funky!!

  57. Love the 4th projects! Congrats on the card contest also. Alex has gotten so big! What a cutie. Who wouldn't love a Jumparoo. I'm sure you'll both get hours of entertainment out of it.

  58. LOVE the 4th of July creations and congrats on the Hero Arts!!! love all your work girl - and cute is your little guy??? what a precious photo and can't believe how big he's gotten already!!

  59. Congrats on winning on Hero Arts blog. Your little man is getting so big. I am just getting into stamping and would love these!

  60. Congrats on your win! I love those adorable stamps and what you did with them. I'd love to add them to my stash! LOL

  61. Your cards are beautiful....I love what you did with those images! Another company I really *need* to shop at!! LOL! Great candy!!

  62. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Beautiful cards, Daniela! Alex is sooooo cute! lol!! If he's gonna fall asleep like that often, I think you've found yourself a winning toy! LOL!!!

    Congrat's on the Hero Arts 3rd place! You rock!! :) *hugs*

  63. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Thanks for sharing this!!! I had no idea you were on impression obsession DT. You lucky girl!! I love there stamps! they're prices are great too!!! love the little goodies you made! Your SO very talented! I always love checking out your work!

  64. I'm loving all those patriotic stars! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  65. Great project! I love the card with the natural string. Your pinwheels are amazing! Oh maybe I will get lucky! Adorable Alex all pooped out! Hugs, enjoy your Cali friend! Deb

  66. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Sweet Baby Photo! Oh my goodness, he's adorable! Love the stamps and the card you made. So cute!

  67. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I don't comment much, but I frequent your blog often for inspiration and, of course, to admire your work. It's beautiful! And today, I can't resist commenting because I can't resist a good blog give-away, either. :")
    Congratulations on taking third in the contest... that card is TOO CUTE! I love the owls.
    And speaking of TOO CUTE... your little one is as well, all tuckered out like that. Aw! :") So sweet. Makes me miss mine being that small...
    Anywho, thanks for the opportunity to play along!
    (tina @

  68. Your cards are absolutely stunning! You have inspired me to get out my supplies and make some cards!
    I'm crossing my fingers I'm lucky!

  69. Great projects! Really beautiful! I love the pinwheel!

  70. Anonymous8:29 AM

    very cute stamps and little boy!

  71. Awake in the night and cannot sleep. Decided to get some inspiration for the week so I began to jump around on blogs to see if my eye can catch some new ways. I´m really happy that I came across your blog and I have stayed much longer then I should at your place. Thanks a million for all the inspiration.

  72. Congrats on your card, and great projects! Your little one is so sweet!


  73. Really loved the pinwheel and the stars you cut out to use worked out great. You did a great job with this summer challenge.

    Alex looks so cute sleeping in his jumper. He is growing so fast. This picture will make a great scrapbook page.

  74. Your little one is such a cutie! He looks so peaceful in his jumparoo...all tuckered out!
    Your cards are awesome!

  75. Love those stamps...perfect for my anniversary coming!

  76. Love your style and your blog. Thanks for sharing a chance to win! And what a doll you have for a son!

  77. wow, those stamps are beautiful! Tammy introed me to IO--LOVE them! I love how beautiful the paper looks stamped with those stars. Very classy!

  78. How could I not want those stamps after you made such amazing things with them?
    I love the sleeping pics of my babys too. Do you have one of those bumbo seats? You have to get one. They can sit up in them when they're just tiny.

  79. cool stamps, You do such great work, I want to know how you have time with that little one. He is so cute

  80. Alex is such a cutie! I don't see how you have the time to make all these wonderful creations with this little guy taking up your time. You're amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  81. Adorable photo's of little Alex again. I'm glad you post them regularly.
    Your card are beautiful as always and those stamps look great. What a blog candy!

  82. CUTE cute little guy!! The cards are beautiful - great inspiration!! Motivation for me to get my July 4 cards done so I can thank some soldiers for our independence!

  83. I would love to win these stamps. Beautiful cards and Alex is so very cute!

  84. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hi Daniela! Love the stamp set and the beautiful work you created with it!! Your Alex is a sweety!

    Renae Clark

  85. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I have been lurking for a while now. I am new to this whole blog thing and stamp thing. But your work is super duper good. I love it.

  86. Anonymous6:00 PM

    The stamps is awesome, and alex is soo cute sleeping in his jumper


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