Tuesday, February 17, 2009

{ 2 Sketches 4 You - Kazan's sketch 20, CPS 103, Project 365 - Week 7 }

Last week was really crazy for me and this one didn't start any better, but it's only Tuesday. I can't wait for my husband to come back home this Friday. A really quick post while Alex is taking a nap.

This first card is for Kazan's sketch 20. I flipped it. You know how sometimes you start with something in mind, but it doesn't turn out the way you imagined it. Well, this is what happened here. I love this American Crafts paper, didn't know I had it. Using my stash again. I think I received it as a prize. The green patterned paper is by Making Memories, Jenni Bowling bird journaling note, Making Memories flower, and American Crafts rub-on.

The second card is for CPS 103. I started with a journaling note that I made myself. Then, I just followed the sketch and the colors of the stamped journaling note. Basic Grey Urban Prairie was a perfect match. That beautiful ribbon is from Michael's dollar bin. They have all the Spring stuff out. I will have to go back and get some more. It's American Crafts ribbon, and it comes in all different colors. Bird house and sentiment stamps are by Hampton Art and the butterfly is Impression Obsession stamp. I used my watercolor pencils to color both images.

Project 365 - Week 7

2.9 - Alex posing on the stairs before his Dr. appointment. 2.10 - he figured out how to step into the box all by himself. 2.11 - he mastered climbing on the stool and sitting on it, with the remote, of course. 2.12 - trip to the store...I loved all the decorations when we first walked in. 2.13 - I made cookies for Valentine's Day. 2.14 - heart shaped waffle for Alex on Valentine's Day. 2.15 - Alex after his nap.


  1. Oh, very nice cards....and photo's too!!!

    Hugs Ellen

  2. Fabulous cards Daniela! I love the flowers and stamped journal spot on your CPS card...looks great! Thanks for joining us this week!

    And all your photos are darling...love the heart waffle on the cute Target plate you got!

  3. Oh he's so stinkin cute! I hope your week gets better. The cards are gorgeous as always!

  4. Love your creations! They are almost as cute as that little boy of yours!!

  5. You cards are so beautiful today, Daniela, as always. I love the bird on your 2sketches card. And your stamping and handmade journaling spot on your CPS card are fabulous.
    And I just have to say that Alex is the MOST adorable little guy! That just cracked me up that he had to climb up on that stool with the remote. What a dude he is!

  6. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Your cards are `gorgeous` Daniela..but Little Alex is just a real`cutie Pie`..
    I love the photo of him sat on the stair...He`s all grown up there..
    Yummie cookies I`m with the waffles:)

  7. Cute cards and photos! I just finished my card for Kazan's Sketch 20 also! :)

    Have a good night!

  8. Your card is beautiful - so simple and elegant. Love it! and I cannot believe little Alex is growing up before our eyes - a little man now :)

  9. I love your cards and what totally cute photos of Alex! He's such a cutie and what a great way to document him growing by doing 365!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  10. OMGOsh!! He looks like a little man!!!!!!!!! I love those pics girl.

    I miss you SO much!
    Love your beautiful cards.
    Love you too!
    (p.s. my word is hoofer..how hilbilly is THAT!)

  11. You are sounding like me on completely cards using sketches!!! LOVE what you did with the CPS sketch, great card and are those photos ever too cute. I love seeing the adorable progress of little people.

  12. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Your cards are just so beautiful! Love them both!

    Great pics too...such a cutie!

    (-: Heidi

  13. Hey Hun! Love your cards of late! Gotta catch up with you soon, So much to tell!! Hope you are well and your family too

    Mel xox

  14. Beautiful cards, Daniela. Love the little bird on the first one and the colors of the second. Great shots of Alex. The one of him in the box cracks me up!

  15. lovely cards!!!! love seeing all these pics! :)

  16. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Love your cards!! SOO cute!! Alex is getting *SO* big.. wow! What a sweetheart! I love the pic of him with the converter.. LOL! He is a male species afterall.. ;) LOL!

  17. What a great bunch of cards & your little guy is too cute.

  18. fabulous cards! love the pics of your little one! hang in there until your hubby gets home...i'm right there with ya...my hubby gets home on Friday, too.

  19. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hi there! I stumbled upon your site from the CPS list for sketch #103. Great take on that by the way! Look forward to visiting you again soon!

  20. Gorgeous cards and what a little cutie pie you've got there ♥

  21. Anonymous11:40 AM

    What a beautiful card !!! I love what youd did with the bird !

  22. Love these cards. They are incredible. Great job on the challenges.

  23. Wonderful job with the challenges! I love the cards!

  24. gasp!!!!

    Im speachless!!!

  25. Awesome work! Love it!

  26. Your cards are GORGEOUS!!! Those cookies look so yummy!!!

  27. Could he BE any cuter??? Love him :)

    Your cards are awesome too! Love the stamping on the second one!

  28. Great cards, love the colors!!! The photos are too cute of your little one. Such a sweet smile!!!!

  29. Gorgeous cards Daniela and Alex is so cute!

  30. Beautiful cards and such sweet photo's of your cute son! ♥

  31. Isn't he a cutie!!! Love your cards too, especially the 2S4U one. Gorgeous.

  32. Wowsers girl, all the new creations are awesome! And when did Alex get so big!!? He's so adorable!


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