Wednesday, May 06, 2009

{ 2 Sketches 4 You - Laura's sketch # 25, Project 365 week 18 }

I have so many things to share with you this week. It's been raining and cloudy for the second week now. It's so gloomy. We haven't been out much due to the rain and Gymboree was closed because of the Swine flu. We are getting really creative around the house with games and fun things for Alex to do.

Here is my card for Laura's sketch 25. I love this new line from Sassafras Lass, Bungle Jungle. It's perfect for boys!!! A new challenge is up at Caardvarks: Create a ***NEW*** card incorporating a verse or quote. You have until Midnight on May 17th, PST. Our sponsor is Unity Stamp Co. and they are giving an awesome prize to the winner of this challenge. Here is my card using Unity quote stamp. I used Pretty Poppies collection from Autumn Leaves.

Project 365 -week 18.

4.27 - while cleaning my closet I found some large items that were taking up all the room. Alex loved my huge ladybug. 4.28 - he love the bear, too. He likes to give him kisses. 4.29 - Alex was finally allowed in my room, since he could walk around. It's not completely done, but soon. 4.30 - his newest obsession, phones. He loves to babble on the phone. 5.1 - I finally found something to keep him occupied while in the tub. He always wants to climb out or play with the faucet.....these little stackable bath cups were a hit. 20 minutes in the tub! 5.2 - photo before bed. We always do the same thing: wash, dress, water, story, good night kisses, bed. 5.3 - more phone photos. Some of these phones are pretty old and the batteries are dead, but he loves them. He copies everything we do.

See you tomorrow with a new Impression Obsession challenge.


  1. oh wow, totally gorgeous!!!

  2. Great cards and photos, Daniela!
    My kids loved the phone, too, and they still play with the stackable cups in the tub (although they like to fill them and dump them on eachother!!)

  3. You've been busy with your amazing cards! Love your pictures of Alex; what a sweetheart!

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Love the cards Daniela! The one for 2s4u is so cute and fun and you KNOW I love the Caardvarks one!

    Beautiful pics of your darling boy!

    (-: Heidi

  5. These cards are just gorgeous! The first one is just adorable and the dimension on the second one is perfect!
    -Michelle :)

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Love your blog, your boy is so cute too!!!

  7. Just blog hopping over from My Scrapbook Nook. Great cards and your kids are too cute!

  8. I just love that Sassafras paper and your card is adorable!!! The giraffe is so cute and I like how you put the circle journaling spot with it.

    The second card is strikingly gorgeous!! I love the red with the black and that ribbon is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! A perfect match with the card!!

    Sorry about all the rain. We have had rain for a week here, too. But, it looks like your little one is keeping himself busy with lots of fun things! He SO cute! ♥♥ Kay

  9. Love your cards. the 2S4Y card is adorable and I love the quote on the second one. Alex is so adorable! I miss those baby days. The phone and tubby pics are so cute!!

  10. Beautiful cards! And that picture of you son on the phone is so cute!

  11. Hello fellow Nook-ster
    Oh my goodness. I LOVE these photos... the one of Alex with the ladybug is so sweet. The red flower card is beautiful as well! Great blog...

  12. Love the giraffe card. Your pictures of your little boy are so just everyday pics of what our daily routines are. Just took some of my husband, daughter and me just because!!

  13. awesome cards they look amazing!!

  14. He has to be one of the cutest kids EVAH! :) And your cards - woah - that little giraffe is adorable!

  15. Awwwww what a cute card! & Alex is so handsome, what a sweetie!
    Thanks for playing!

  16. Anonymous10:35 PM

    wow, great cards .... I love unity too!

  17. Totally cute cards! Glad I hopped over here from the Nook!

  18. oh wow its beautiful! Love your blog too.

  19. oh my ! he's such a little man already !

    gorgeous cards all Daniela !

  20. your little one is such a cutie! your cards are incredible! wow!

  21. Anonymous12:56 AM

    I love ur blog topper.. Yur cards are awesome.. and I love the 1st one.I need that paper.. enough to hoard..Your son is very cute...Love the pictures

  22. Gorgeous always. And great and adorable pics of Alex. He is such a cutie.

  23. your cards are absolutely AMAZING!

  24. I really like your "Unity quote"-card! Its so cool! and the photoe are so cute!

  25. WoW! Beautiful card! Now that is challenge... To make a card just as lovely as yours...

  26. The boy's card is just wonderful and really fun to see. The other is just so beautiful and has its own elegance! Now those pictures of your son are too too precious for words. What wonderful memories these will be and for him too!

  27. Your son is SO adorable!!! I remember when my boys were little!!!!!! :) The oldest will be 18 soon!!!!!! So, ENJOY!!! GORGEOUS work! Love those poppies!!!

  28. Oh, let me say I LOVE that Sassafras Lass too! =)

  29. That giraffe is so cute


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