Friday, January 15, 2010

{ Happy Birthday to my sweet boy }

Alex is 2 today!!! Do you remember these photos? He was so little. We are hanging out at the house today and going to dinner. Tomorrow is his little party. It's all about Robots.
Photo of him just before Christmas. Such a cutie. A layout I did for Bella Blvd with some fun summer photos. ***Don't forget all the giveaways below.


  1. happy happy birthday sweet Alex!!!! hope you had an amazing day!!!
    lots of ((((birthday hugs))) for you!!

  2. Hope he loves that Robot cake! Can't wait to see how it turned out! What a great mom you are!

  3. Happy Birthday to your cutie pie! I can't believe it has been 2 years. I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful work AND cute pictures of your baby!

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Happy Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful little man Alex....
    Hope you all had a wonderful Day:)xxx

  5. I'm sure his robot party was great. He is such a cutie.

  6. I am so glad I had the opportunity to be there for his birth! It's so hard to believe that was two years (a day) ago! He's grown so much! I love all three of you very much!

  7. Oh my goodness does time fly! He is a cutie pootie!

  8. Happy Birthday Alex!!! Such wonderful newborn photos! I hope his party was SO MUCH FUN and I can't wait to hear about it. Your layout is darling. I always love all the elements you use! ♥♥ Kay

  9. Aw, how stinkin' sweet! Such a cutie pie and gorgeous mama too! Happy Birthday Alex!

  10. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY #2, Alex!!!! Oh yes, I remember those photos, Daniela. I just can't believe that it has been 2 years. I just can't help the tears in my eyes as I see him growing so beautifully and so happy. That is a lot of your doing so on this special evening when you are dreaming, I hope that you dream of how precious life is now that Alex is in it! You are so blessed!

    Take care, my Friend, and know that I so love your little one.

    {{{HUGS}}} to our special 2 year old!

  11. Hi daniela, your little boy is fantastic... and your blog is very beautiful... I'm italian... i don't speak very well english but I follows your blog costantly... bye bye silvia
    go to my blog ;)

  12. Happy Birthday Alex!
    God bless!

  13. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I hope your little cutie had a wonderful birthday!!!

    (-: Heidi

  14. Happy birthday to Alex! That picture of him standing next to the tree is soooooo cute!


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