Tuesday, March 31, 2009

{ 2 Sketches 4 You, Use It! challenge 4, Project 365 - Week 13 }

I used Kazan's sketch #23 for this week's Use It! challenge. I love going into my stash. I have so many beautiful papers that I haven't even touched.

The challenge: scraps of any kind, punches and/or die cuts, two or more different ribbons, one or more embellishments that you once loved and use a lot, but haven't used for a long time.

I used Making Memories and American Crafts patterned paper for my card and flowers. I used the scraps from the card to make the flowers. I used Fiskars apron lace punch and EK Success Swiss cheese punch. The second ribbon I folded and tucked between the flowers. Embellishments that I once loved and used are the big brads. I love the large flower and fabric covered ones by Imaginisce. The metal button is not really a brad, but it has 5 sharp prongs that poke through the paper and then I have to use a hammer to fold them back down. I bought them for a dollar somewhere and they are Marcella by Kay. I really like them and will have to use them again. I did not emboss anything this time, can you believe it?

I hope you check out the challenge and come and play with us!

Project 365 - week 13.

3.23 - We are getting ready to go to Target. This week was cold and rainy and was spent indoors. 3.24 - what do you see? 3.25 - hanging out with the monkey. 3.26 - wants to be independent. 3.27 - which button should I press now??? 3.28 - he is so excited that he can go DOWN the stairs now. 3.29 - playing with his music art easel. He likes to hum, sing and dance.


  1. Love the brown and blue card. Very nice!

  2. This is GORGEOUS Daniela!! Love the color combo and your handmade scrappy flowers. I see you found the apron lace punch.. isn't it fun?! Thanks for playing along with this week's Use It! challenge!! {oh, and I am l♥ving the new 'do', such a gorgeous photo of you!!}

  3. FABULOUS job, Daniela! You did a great job incorporating the two challenges- not always an easy task. You little boy is growing up so fast! He is darling.

  4. Lovely card, Daniela!

    LOVE the "what do you see" photo! SWEET!

  5. oooo la la!! gorgeous

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    This card is absolutely fabulous! I love the color combination and all the wonderful textures!

    Adorable Pics too!

    (-: Heidi

  7. Gorgeous card as always and so is ur new haircut !

  8. gorgeous card. My favorite part of today's post-- the picture of you and Alex!

  9. Gorgeous - love the lollipop flowers and of course the blue and brown are one of my favs

  10. Love the card (it's absolutely fabulous!!) and your pictures for the week!
    I almost got a BH Project 365 kit from my friend who ordered two of them... but she'd promised it to another friend first. How are you liking yours?

  11. Love all of your recent cards!
    Your little man is just too adorable!

  12. Absolutely fabulous card Daniela! :) Seriously beautiful I also love diggin thru the stash for untouched goodies. Love the colour combo on that challenge in the next post.
    Gotta love that touching buttons stage! :)

  13. such a beautiful card! love the pics of your little guy!

  14. Anonymous9:46 PM

    OMG! I love your take on the sketch! wow!

  15. Beautiful! The flowers are gorgeous!!! You make them waaaaaay better than I can. WOW!!!

  16. I love your card! Such a standout! And your handsome boy is growing up fast! So cute!

  17. This card IS "Absolutely Fabulous"!!!! Beautiful work, Daniela!!!!! The photos are precious!!! Kay

  18. absolutely fabulous is right! Love it!!

  19. Your card is fabulous, but your boy ... sooo huggable!

  20. Your card is really absolutely fabulous!!

  21. Love your card and he is just really growing and so cute too!

  22. this is so gorgeous my friend, wow i looove that palette, brilliant!

  23. What a lovely card! I just adore your little boy- he looks so happy and fun.

  24. This card is so pretty. I have to say my favorite are the distressed flowers and their centers!

  25. Anonymous4:36 PM

    love the card, and what a cutie, thanks for sharing the pic


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