Tuesday, March 24, 2009

{ Use It! Challenge 3, 2 Sketches 4 You #22, Project 365 - week 12 }

I used Laura's sketch 22 for this card. Use It! Challenge this week:
- Use some eyelets
- Use something more that 1 year old
- Use something with polka dots!

I have so many eyelets and I was happy to use some on this card. The paper is American Crafts that I have in my stash. Not sure the exact age of it, but I know that Heidi Swapp journaling note is more than a year old. The ribbon is American Crafts, and the stamp is Close to my Heart. The little, adorable, sticker is from Michaels dollar bin that I got long time ago. I love these weekly challenges.

Project 365 - week 12.

3.16 - daddy and Alex at the pond. I was so happy when my husband came back with this photo. This is Alex's first dandelion.

3.17 - Alex at the playground. 3.18 - eating lunch. We love the monkey shirt from Auntie Dayna. 3.19 - he doesn't know how to go down the slide, yet, but he loves to climb up. 3.20 - Alex at the playground. 3.21 - yes, the sprinkler head was more interesting. 3.22 - Alex loves oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.


  1. The card is awesome, but how can it compete with those eyes?!!! So cute!

  2. Love your eyelet heart, so cute! And the photos are all so wonderful! I sure wish Alex and Courtney could get together for a playdate! :-)

  3. I just love the heart made with eyelets! That had to be a time consuming. He is just darling and has your eyes!

  4. Darling!!! I love the eyelets! Little Alex is sooo cute!
    Thanks for playing!

  5. OMG its fabulous..look at Alex, i just wanna pinch those cheeks...too cute!

  6. oh my goodness daniela, your eyelet heart is absolutely adorable, ♥LOVE♥ this card girl!!!! thanks for playing along with this week's Use It! challenge :)
    oh, and can alex be ANY cuter?!
    hugs to all!

  7. Great idea with the eyelets. I could use way more if I did it that way!

  8. Lovin the colors on your card~ caute!

  9. OMGosh Daniela, that ♥, that card, wow, that is so incredibly awesome, brilliant use of eyelets my friend!!!

    Alex is the cuuuutest baby, so fun to "watch him grow" through your 365 my friend!

    hugs & so much love!

  10. Your card is soooo cool! I love all the details...especially how you made the outline of the heart in eyelets,...just so neat!

  11. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Beautiful card !! I love what you did with the eyelets !!

  12. Your card is just over the top. Wow the eyelets are just perfect. Fabulous colors and layout. Alex is just adorable and I really enjoy you sharing all his moments with us.

  13. I can't stand it he's so dang cute!! He's so photogenic!! :D
    And I love your card! The eyelet heart turned out perfect! I think if I tried that, it would be more of a blob! HA!
    Hope you are having a great week!!!

  14. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Wow Daniela! Your card is just beautiful! I love the colors and the amazing way you used those eyelets!

    Love those pics of Alex playing outside...I can't wait until our weather is nice enough for my little ones to go out!

    (-: Heidi

  15. Cool idea with eyelets!

    Pictures of Alex are so good, tyou're quite a photographer... of course the model is wonderful!

  16. Awesome photos of your cutie & that heart with the eyelets is too cool!

  17. Super sweet card, Daniela! Love all the eyelets!

    Great photos again as well! The dandelion photo is adorable!

  18. This card is lovely, I really like how you created a heart with the eyelets! And your son is adorable!

  19. I.LOVE.Alex!!!!!!!!!! Dang he's CUTE!! I love the last picture...LOL!!

    Ok and man is that eyelet heart CUTE!!!!!!! Scrumptious card. :D

  20. I really like to see your son's pictures every time I visit your blog. He's so cute.
    Beautiful card.

  21. Such a cute card. The colors are GORGEOUS!!! Your little Alex is cute as always... I LOVE the last pic :)

  22. What a perfect way to use your eyelets! I can't imagine how you got them all to be so perfect : ) Great job and your son is adorable... but then you KNEW that! *wink* : )


  23. oh, what a beautiful photographs from Alex, he is so cute!!
    Your card is gorgeous, love the eyelets!

  24. Such beautiful photos! Your place looks so nice - makes me wish I'm living in a beautiful place like yours. In Singapore, it's very much a concrete jungle here - not much greenery and fresh air unfortunately. Take care!
    elaine t


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