Tuesday, April 14, 2009

{ 2 Sketches 4 You, Project 365 - Week 15 }

Hi there! Can you believe that I took a week off, I can't. Not sure where the week went, but we were busy here with different activities like coloring eggs, baking and decorating cookies, Easter egg hunt, cleaning.... I hope you had a great Easter weekend. Did you do anything fun?

When I saw Kazan's sketch 24 I knew I wanted to incorporate this awesome flower that I received from Stephanie Howell. It is a pretty simple card with Graphic 45 patterned paper, Jenni Bowlin label sticker, buttons and journal tag and Making Memories alphabet stickers.

Did you notice the little Caardvarks logo on the sidebar? I was asked to join the talented Caardvarks design team. My first challenge starts April 20. You still have time to participate in the April 5 challenge -- create a card that "speaks" fantasy to you. Check out the beautiful creations by Caardvarks team ==> here.

Project 365 - week 15.
4.6 - no explanation needed. How does he think of these things?

4.7 - mommy bought a new snack cup (anti-spill) that a little hand can get into. Very frustrating at first, but he is a fast learner. 4.8 - a visit to the Dallas Arboretum. Last minute decision and a great one. The weather was perfect. Alex enjoyed running around the flowers, snack cup in hand. 4.9 - he was having so much fun laughing at daddy's elephant noises during lunch and he was trying to do the same thing. 4.10 - coloring eggs. Alex enjoyed throwing and braking the eggs. 4.11 - his first egg hunt. We did practice for couple of days hiding and collecting eggs in the house. He was so excited to see the eggs outside and knew exactly what to do. 4.12 - Easter morning.


  1. Very pretty ... love that bloom.

  2. love your card. looks like a really fun Easter week

  3. Congratulations, Daniela!! I'm so happy for you!
    I love that card... I have a some paper flowers like that, but I should figure out how to layer them like your flower-- great idea!
    And I love your pictures. The first one totally made me LOL because it reminded me of a picture I have of my ds when he was 1 and he's standing on the bottom step and reaching for the light switch on his tip toes! Little boys are just too cute!

  4. I'm so glad you had a Happy Easter! It's looks like you all had lots of fun! I miss the Dallas Aboretum this time of the year. It's the BEST place to just let the kiddos run around! Your card is so pretty! That is a really great flower and congrats in the DT news!! How great is that!!!! ♥♥ Kay

  5. CONGRATULATIONS on your new Design Team!!! And your little guys sure is growing! And he's absolutely adorable!!

  6. your card is gorgeous Daniela as are you and the wee babe. every pic is so amazing my friend, bright & full of life & love!

  7. Your card is gorgeous Daniela - love the flower and that paper is divine :) The pictures of Alex are just darling too.
    Thanks for playing

  8. Anonymous10:05 AM

    So happy to have you with us at Caardvarks! I love your beautiful style!

    Absolutely stunning card Daniela! That flower is amazing!

    Super cute Easter pics!

  9. Fun week!! Pretty flowers, cute card and congratulations on the DT!

  10. gorgeous card and whoo hoo thats awesome news!!

  11. Gorgeous card. Love the flower. And the pics are sooo cute. Love the one of you guys at the Arboretum and the egg hunt! Congrats on the Caardvarks gig. Can't wait to be inspired by you!

  12. Love the card and Congratulations, that is wonderful news!!
    It is so funny about those snack cups.....I just bought those for Savannah right before Easter.....she loves them!!

  13. Your card is wonderful and so is that amazing flower! Glad you used it. LOVE the photos!!!

  14. WHOOP!! Congrats girl on Caardvarks!!! You are fabulous!! :D

    I LOVE your Easter pictures!!!!!!
    Gorgeous cards...you're so talented!

    Miss you tons!
    Let's get together soon!


  15. Such pretty photos! Love the card!

  16. I love the combination of supplies you used for the card- you have a great eye. The pics of Alex- adorable!

  17. Gorgeous card!!! congratulations too for being asked to join cardvaarks design team!! your work is awesome!!

  18. Gorgeous card Daniela! Totally loving the flower accent! Great job with Kazan's sketch!


  19. Anonymous6:56 AM

    `Beautiful` card Daniela...
    but little Alexx is just a darling...
    Glad you had a lovely Easter!!!`sweet`..
    You look good girl!!!
    Have a lovely weekend:)♥

  20. fabulous card! so much fun with your little Easter cutie!

  21. WOW!! That's beautiful Daniela!! I love it!! Your pics are soooo cute!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  22. oh..love the flower! Gorgeous card Daniela!!!

  23. Woohoo!! Congrats Daniela on the Caardvarks gig!! I love that site and now that you're there...I love it even more!!! Love your 365 pics this week...to cute...he's getting so big!!! :)

  24. Hello! greeting and a good Sunday!
    If you are looking for free resources for scrapbooking visiting my Blog!
    Greetings Dual & Alexia

  25. Hi there! Thank you for your comment. I'm so happy you've received the Renee Award! You create truly amazing cards, and the photos of you and your son are absolutely precious! What a fantastic, gorgeous family. Hope you have a wonderful week. :D


Thanks for stopping by, I love reading all your wonderful comments.