Tuesday, April 28, 2009

{ CPS #113, Project 365 Week 17 }

After three days of cleaning my room I finally created something. It was really hard to resist the temptation while sorting paper and embellishments...finding things I forgot about. It feels great to be able to see my desk after so long. I made two cards today and cleaned up after each...I will see how long I can keep that up. I hope that I can. It is so much easier to clean little messes than big ones. How do you keep up? Do you have any tricks or secrets... Let me know.

I created this card for CPS #113. I received this cute little paper, by My Little Shoebox, in a box of goodies from Stephanie Howell. I drew the clouds myself. I cut some from patterned paper and they were way too big, so I made my own.

I still need to vacuum and sort some boxes so I better get going before I pass out. Have a great night.

Project 365 - week 17.

4.20 - Alex had a play date with Chloe. He had so much fun painting in the back yard. 4.21 - I took him for a walk in the park. It was so hot, 87 degrees! To my surprise, he kept his hat on. 4.22 - first time at McDonald's. 4.23 - "I think I'll spread some of this pasta in my hair!" It was all over. I had to wash his hair after lunch. 4.24 - "Time to sweep the patio again, mom." 4.25 - just taking a break, for now. He loves to climb on top of it. 4.26 - out for lunch. He loves to eat everything!


  1. I know how great it feels to clean up my scrap space, too! Sorry I don't have any tips. My scrap space is super tiny and I'm always struggling to keep it clean! This card is adorable! I love how you stitched on the clouds and the tree made of buttons is DARLING! Super cute pics, too!!! ♥♥ Kay

  2. that card is fabulous, loooove it!

  3. beautiful card :) and what a totally little sweetheart! have a great day! :) smiles, m-

  4. love, LOVE, love your adorable card daniela!! and those photos of alex are just precious!!
    i have been *trying* to clean up after i scrap, not always successful, but at least i'm trying, right?!

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    No cleaning tips from me...my space is a mess!

    Adorable, adorable card! Love the sweet little clouds!

    Darling pics too!

    (-: Heidi

  6. Oh, how sweet your card is! I love, love, love it!

    The photos of Alex just make me smile! I am so loving watching him grow and seeing him experience new things. Of course, you being in the photo is great, too, you look so happy and beautiful!

  7. Super cute card! And I love the outdoor painting! After scrubbing down the chairs and table from a fingerpainting episode I am definitely considering trying that next time!

  8. Keep up with the cleaning? Hmmm...I guess I would have to start first! lol

    Gorgeous card with the MLS papers!! The buttons and clouds are so adorable!

    And look at your little sweetie! He is growing so fast! :)

  9. Your card is fabulous...love the clouds. Your little boy is cute ...some really fun pics of him. TFS!!

  10. Your card and YOUR babies are darling! I love your "do it yourself" spirit! Great job!

  11. Cuttlebug was perfect background for this card!

  12. Hooray for a clean scrap space!!!!!! Good luck keeping it that way!
    And that card is adorable!
    Mostly,Alex is SUPER SWEET!

  13. Your card is wonderful! That white wavy design across the card is a great way to use that CPS sketch and it almost looks like more clouds!

  14. Alex is such a cutie! Love that photo of him painting in the yard with a friend. Just adorable.

  15. love the dotted swiss on your card. i keep forgetting to get mine out. and you know i think he is the cutest!

  16. Love your homey card Daniella! and those pictures of your little guy are so cute!


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