Wednesday, June 24, 2009

{ Purple Onion Designs, Project 365 - week 25 }

Here are couple of cards I created with Purple Onion Designs stamps. They were very generous and sponsored the Caardvarks DT. I used the new Baby Noteblock Set and Small Number Block Set. The challenge is window cards, so make sure you enter your beautiful creation here.

Project 365 - week 25

6.15 - Alex wanted to go outside first thing in the morning...what you can't see is that he does not have a diaper on. 6.16 - at the park. He still likes to wear his hat. 6.17 - one of his Wii poses. 6.18 - he is so cute, I ask him where the flowers are and he pints to them. 6.19 - I was finally able to find a water mat for him. These little mats are awesome. He was trying to "catch" the water. I thought this photo was so cute, too, from the same day. I had way too many to choose from. 6.20 - we were on the way to the playground and stopped to check out the pool. 6.21 - I taught him to smell the flowers. 6.22 - He started taking only one nap per day this week. There are two extra hours in the morning that need activities and this is one of them. In addition to watercoloring he wanted to drink the water!!! ***Any tips or ideas for toddler activities would be great.

Have a great night!


  1. Your little guy is so cute :) Some of the things my kids always liked at that age:
    Play dough
    Wipe off boards
    Coloring images stamped onto rolls of freezer paper
    Stringing fruit loops and cheerios
    building blocks
    coloring books
    mr potato head
    lite bright

  2. He is so adorable! What fun pictures! I like the one with him trying to catch the water. :-) Your cards are great! I like the stamping you did on the second with the numbers and then highlighting the number. Cool idea!

  3. Boy he's getting big!

    Love your card. :D

  4. Super great cards, Daniela!! Of course, I always love your creations!!

    Looks like Alex is having a great summer! I loved it when my little guy went to 1 nap. I felt like we both had a lot more freedom. ♥♥ Kay

  5. daniela he is so super cute! glad that you guys are having a great summer. and these cards are amazing - love your work! thx for the fab inspo & have a great day! :) smiles, m-

  6. Very cute cards. Love how you highlighted the number 4. Alex is so all the fav was him with the water hose. you are a great photographer...capturing all those wonderful moments!!

  7. love your work and photos! i especially love the one of him stopping and smelling the flowers!

  8. Have you tried the Crayola mess free markers? You can get them with a coloring book and they only color on the book and not the walls and carpet....Savannah loves them!

  9. and here i thought nothing could be cuter or more appealing than your CARDS...of course...that was *BEFORE* i saw your little supermodel!!! have you ever taken a BAD photo of that kid? nope...i don't believe it...not possible... ♥♥♥

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Love these card Daniela! Your really did amazing things with those noteblock stamps!

    OMGoodness, Alex is such a cutie patootie!

    (-: Heidi

  11. He is so CUTE & getting so BIG!

  12. How cute is he!!!!!!! And your cards are to die for! Awesome!

  13. You have to watch those Crayola mess free markers. They will show up some wood. My son had those and colored on the dining room table. It left orange marker all over it. I had to call Crayola and they sent me a cleaner and wax for it but I never did get it completely off. I decided after that I'd just take my chances with regular markers lol

  14. AWWWW, isn't Alex the cutest little boy? I love the one of him smelling the flowers. That is adorable!

    Fabulous cards, Daniela!

  15. Gorgeous boy cards. Love those stamps!

    Your little guy is the sweetest thing ever! I could just pinch those cheeks!

  16. Danielle, he is just adorable! I LOVE the photos of him in his little hat and smelling the flower!! Awww!!!


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