Monday, June 29, 2009

{ The Simple Woman's Daybook, Purple Onion Designs }

Love this simple documentation idea from The Simple Woman's Day Book.

For today...

Outside my window...darkness; it is 11pm here.

I am thinking...about what I need to get done tomorrow before we leave for the park.

I am thankful menu.

From the kitchen...nothing today. We went out for dinner to celebrate late Father's Day.

I am wearing...Strawberry Shortcake pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.

I am creating...some fun cards for a reveal next week.

I am catch up on favorite shows.

I am reading...Parenting magazine...going to the library on Wednesday to check out some new stuff.

I am hoping...for rain.

I am monitor noise.

Around the to put away.

One of my favorite things...Eskimo kisses with Alex in addition to regular kisses.

A few plans for the rest of the week...I need to get busy, busy, busy and finish project due this week. Park tomorrow, library Wednesday, water park Thursday and something fun for the 4th.

A photo to share... Here are two more cards I created with Purple Onion Designs stamps for Caardvarks. I used the new Baby Noteblock Set. The challenge is window cards, there is still time to enter here.


  1. super cute projects girl! oh, and I love that journaling idea! Maybe I'll try that out too!!

  2. Such awesome cards as usual! Just love them!

    Loved reading your list and the photo of Alex pointing at the menu is too sweet!

  3. Oh what sweet and lovely journaling, Daniela! What a treat to get a glimpse into your day!

    Alex looks like he knows exactly what he wants to order! He's too cute!!

    Gorgeous, gorgeous baby cards!! The ribbon is delish! You've got such amazing flair and style!!! ♥♥ Kay

  4. Gorgeous projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    What wonderful Journaling!

    That pic of Alex is too adorable!

    LOVE these cards! You did such clever things with those Noteblock stamps!

    (-: Heidi

  6. Fantastic cards. Your projects are always so inspirational!!

  7. i love how you used those tags! and i love the journaling idea

  8. Could he be any cuter! Love that photo of him and I also LOVE the cards you did. Neat journaling prompts too :)

  9. Great cards! I love how you used that stamp!!!

  10. what sweet cards and omg look how big Alex is getting! wow! growing into such a cute boy Daniela!

  11. awesome; handsome & innocent looking little tyke!!these color ocmbos are stunning; thanks for show & share!


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