Saturday, September 19, 2009

{ Tissue flower tutorial and blog candy- winner announced }

Supplies: 2 inch scalloped (or circle) punch. *this is the only size I have tried, I am sure any size will do.

tissue paper

patterned paper

Step 1: punch two circles out of patterned paper and 6 tissue paper circles. Note: when cutting tissue paper you can stack several sheets, I usually do 3 or 4. When punching, back the tissue paper with scrap paper or copy paper, something a little heavier than tissue paper, it will punch easier.

Step 2: stack punched paper in this order: patterned paper, 3 tissue papers, patterned paper, 3 tissue doesn't need to be perfect. Use more or less paper if you want...this number works for me. I like using patterned paper because it makes the flower sturdy and it coordinates with my project. Poke a hole with an exacto knife and place a brad in the middle.

Step 3: start scrunching the paper, starting with the top layer. Keep doing that until all the papers are "scrunched" -- see next 3 photos.

Step 4: open up all the layers and this is your competed flower. Every flower will be different. Try varying paper positions, use more or less, big brad, small brad.

Additional step: spray your flower with Shimmerz. For this one I used Sea Foam Shimmerz Spritz and Island Salsa Shimmerz Blingz (painted on). Lift layers when spraying/painting, and spray from all sides.

If you don't have Shimmerz you can order some here, or use any other spray/paint that you have.

Use a heat tool to dry/set the flower. I love this step because it stiffens up the flower and it keeps it's shape.

***Finished card will be posted on Tuesday.

My other tissue flowers: here, here, here, and here, here.

Tell me what you think. Love it, hate it, too many steps, questions???? I will randomly pick a winner to win these stamps and a cute owl note pad.... and I will add some of my finished tissue flowers.

If you make one post a link here so we can see it!

***Starting tomorrow Studio Calico & Caardvarks Sketch Fest. This will be a week long event featuring seven/24-hour Caard Sketch Challenges. We'll be premiering an exclusive sketch daily, created by our very own Heidi Van Laar.


  1. Your tutorial looks great. I love the flowers and it looks quite easy to make. I sure will try to make them. Great tutorial, great pics.

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hi! I just found your blog a few days ago and must say that I love it you share so much and Ive gotten so much Inspiration already. the tissue flower is great cant wait to try it out. Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. Loved the tutorial! It was easy to understand, loved all the pictures and now I can't wait to try it!

    What fun blog candy! That owl is just too cute for words! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Love it when someone is willing to post tutorials! Any of them. I need all the help I can get sometimes, and everyone has a different style in making things, so even if you "think" you know how to do something, maybe a tip will help it better, smoother, faster, something. So keep it up!

  5. I ususally don't read all of the tutorials I see (just skim them) but you made it simple and easy, so I took time to read it, and now I want to go try it. Thanks!

  6. Love it! Going to give it a try!!

  7. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I love your tissue flowers Daniela! The tutorial was excellent, very easy to follow!

    (-: Heidi

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    That flower is so cute! I love your tutorial! Sometimes it hard to understand but yours was very easy to understand! I personally need all the help I can get so please keep doing them! By the way, thanks for being so generous! I love that owl! Would love to win it!

  9. I love that tissue flower! Great and easy to follow tutorial....thanks so much for the chance to win!! :)

    I will share with you when I use that cute flower!!

  10. Daniela, these are gorgeous, and you explained every step so that it was easy to understand. It made me want to go buy tissue paper so I could try them.

  11. I love it! Very pretty and very easy to follow your instructions! Thanks!

  12. Thanks for the tutorial -I am going to try it later - very informative and helpful as your info usually is, I always get fab ideas and inspiration when I get your updates. love your blog would love the candy thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Love it! Thanks for the tutorial. Can't wait to try them.
    Congrats on designing for Shimmerz . You always do the cutest things.

  14. I enjoyed the tutorial, Daniela! It was written in such a way that one who views it will just KNOW that they can do it! I love these type of lessons; they are so encouraging and truly make one want to make one. Soooooo, I am off to give it a try!

    Cute, cute, cute photos of you and Alex. He is just so sweet -- {{{HUGS}}}

  15. Hi Daniela - I think your tutorial is really great!! Steps are easy to follow and you have pics to show - love it! I'm definitely gonna give this a try - thanks so much for the tutorial! :)
    elaine t

  16. Your tutorial is easy to follow and great pictures! Can't wait to try and make some flowers! Thank You!

  17. Leah Killian8:11 PM

    great blog candy and super tut! I'm going to try that!

  18. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Wonderful tutorial! I can't wait to try some of these myself...maybe stamping on the tissue papers first, hmmm... Anyway, they look very involved and expensive, but your steps are clear and the directions seem simple. Great photos, too!

  19. I love, love, love these flowers! Great job on the tutorial and very easy to understand! Thanks for posting and for a chance for blog candy!

  20. Great tutorial and fun flowers.

  21. Perfect tutorial, Daniela! It is very explanatory and the photos are great. These flowers are gorgeous and I will certainly have to try this out for myself! ♥♥ Kay

  22. that is adorable..just printed it off to try it later..cute cute cute!! and those cute owl stamps.

  23. Perfectly fabbie tut!!! Love those flowers! great owlie blog candy too :)

  24. sandie carter11:51 PM

    Great tutorial - just right the way it is. Thanks for sharing how you made those gorgeous flowers.

    I love your blog especially seeing those delighful photos of your darling Alex. He reminds me of my eldest grandchild around that age.

    Thanks for the chance to win that lovely blog candy.

  25. I think this tutorial is perfect: it's clean and simple, the amount of picure is right and it is easy to understand. TFS!

  26. Great tutorial. Very clear instructions and they look easy to make. :) Thanks for sharing!

  27. Love that flower! Have to try that out!!!!!

  28. Thanks for sharing your how-to for the flower. It's so pretty! I've gotta try it!

  29. Easy to follow and very effective! I've done three already - using various Spellbinders dies, and they work really well! Thank you.

  30. beautiful. Great tutorial.

  31. What a great tut, TFS!

  32. I think the tutorial is great. You have a good amount of pictures and the instructions are really clear. Fantastic job.

  33. your tutorial was great...very easy to understand and the photos really helped too. loved the flower :) I will definitely give this a try. I don't know why but I don't think about using tissue paper that idea!

  34. Love the flower!! I'm so excited that you are on the Shimmerz team!! Your work is so inspiring, Daniela!!

  35. The tutorial is fabulous! I love when there are pictures for each step so I know that I'm doing it right! Beautiful flowers too!

  36. thanks for great tutorial
    It was easy to understand
    Love this flower

  37. Love your tissue flowers! Thanks for sharing your tutorial!

  38. Wonderful tutorial.....thank you for the instructions how to make these beautiful flowers!!

  39. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Can't wait to try these - thanks for the tutorial - they look very simple and I love the soft fluffy look from the tissue.

    Fran M

  40. I love it and I am going to try it :) thanks for the tutorial!

  41. well I just love it!!

  42. Cute flower and your tutorial was so easy to follower. I'm going to have to try this flower. Thanks for a chance at this awesome giveway.

  43. Love it! These are really cute and I would love to win some that you made. The tutorial is great!



  44. WOW, that is fantastic! I Love those flowers and the shimmerz look awesome.

  45. MY best of your things is the owl stamp, i 'm a fan of owl, and your personnaly book is also pretty ... always beautifull things in your site !

  46. Very nice tutorial, easy steps to follow, I'll give it a try. Thanks for sharing the tutorial and the candy, the owl looks very cute.

  47. I know this comment is late, but this just ROCKS! I can't wait to copy this technique. :)

  48. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I like your tissue flower idea. It might be a bit too thick (tall) for a card, but would work great and a gift box, bag or purse. Thanks for the tutorial.


  49. Great tutorial. I like the addition of the pattern paper mixed in with the tissue paper. Haven't seen it done that way before.

  50. I love this tutorial...this is one I can use again and again, and save some big bucks!

  51. I love it and think they are beautiful!! I am definitely going to try it!

  52. i love the flowers. so easy and so creative. thanks on the tip about backing the tissue w/ heavier paper!

  53. Thank you for the flower tutorial....the steps are easy and clear. I hope it is the first of many more tutorials! And hoot hoot those owls are cute!

  54. Thank you for the tutorial. Can't wait to see the LO and try making these!


  56. i have seen these everywhere and couldn't figure out how these where made. Thanks Daniella. Your giveaway is toooooooo cute. I think the tutorial is perfect and detailed.

  57. These flowers are fantastic girl - and the tutorial is great!

  58. Wonderful tutorial! Thanks!

  59. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Today was the first time I stumbled across your blog and I LOVE IT! You make me want to be brave and try new things! Thanks for the wonderful ideas and amazingly helpful tutorials! Adorable give-a-ways! Fun! Fun! Fun!


  60. Fabulous tutorial! I'm going to try this tonight : )

  61. It was a great tutorial! I cant wait to try it out!!!

  62. Anonymous8:42 AM

    thank you so much for the tutorial~ I am off to try it now... I love the end results! Hugs, ellen

  63. I remember seeing this and I ADORE it to pieces!

    I am going to have to link to this tutorial when I do my post next week!!!

    HUGS D.

  64. Ya it a nice stuff but keep updating with your new ideas & add your plus(+) point

  65. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Love the tissue flowers.

  66. i really like the flower. i am going to be making some. thank-you for the easy tutorial and inspiration.


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