Saturday, October 27, 2007

{ New stamps at Michaels }

Did you miss me yesterday? I was gone for the day and look what I found!!!! They had this mess of boxes while I was there so I just asked the lady to open some with the stamps, she was sweet and she did. Have you seen these yet? There are more, but these are the ones I liked. I went back this morning to see it there was anything else, but they are still unpacking. I was hoping to see those little clear ones. Let me know if you see anything else new. I am getting close to 30,000 hits and I wanted to give away some blog candy soon. You never know...


  1. Those are cute! Do you usually make your own Christmas Cards? I'd love to see some!

  2. These are great! We don't have any up here in Canada yet...will have to keep my eyes peeled! :0)

  3. Oh man! I suddenly see a trip to Michael's in my future!

  4. This is a great set of stamps!

  5. Great Stamps! I might have to hit up Mikes!

  6. Anonymous10:26 PM

    OMG Daniela...those stamps are darling! I'll have to keep my eyes open! ~Sonda T

  7. Wow Daniela, I am very jealous.........these are fantastic.......happy stamping...luv Sandie

    (they are just great looking at them let alone using them...LOL)


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